Spiderman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman are some of the names that might ring a bell when you think of a superhero. However, superheroes come in all forms such as friends, parents, grandparents, service men and women, teachers, etc. Whether they are real-life superheroes or comic book characters, kids idolize them, and it promotes helping others as a cool thing to do.
Some might say that Property Managers (Residential & Assocation) are superheroes, and by some, I mean the people at our office! In all reality they do possess a lot of the same traits – problem solving, mediation skills, always available for emergencies, negotiations and the list goes on. We love to “fly” in and help when we are needed even when its 2am and there is a broken water pipe. I cannot promise that we will be in a spandex brightly colored suit, but we will still save the day!
But in all seriousness, we all define superheroes differently and each hero has a different set of skills that make them unique which is why they are so great. Superhero day started in 1995 by Marvel Comics. Their employees went out to ask people what superpowers kids would like to have. To their surprise they found people describing superheroes in their own lives, the everyday people, and not just the characters we would often associate as a superhero.
If you asked us, we would say that we are fortunate to have some service men that work for Backyard Realty Group and Tolley Community Management that we would consider superheroes. Many of our employees have family members that have served as well or work in a field that help others daily. A few of our team members shared who their favorite superheroes are today.
Jennie, in accounting, loves Black Widow because she can kick butt! She has extensive combat skills and is just one of her favorite characters in the Avengers.
Casey, our property manager, loves Harry Potter. Although she would say he is not the typical superhero she loves reading the books and watching the movies because it transports her into a magical world that she would love to live.
I took a little different approach to this question. Although I surely love Wonder Woman due to her fearlessness and strength, I chose my daughter, Olivia, as my superhero. To see life through the eyes of a 17-month-old is fascinating and I never understood that until I became a mom. It brings an entire new perspective of the world and your true purpose in life. She inspires me to be better, work harder, appreciate new experiences and bring good to the world.
Superhero day is a great day to bring perspective and thoughtfulness around the people that shape us as humans, mentor us, teach us good values and act as a role model in our lives. It might be someone we know or someone we do not, but it is a great reminder to look out for those superheroes in disguise that do not get the daily recognition such as being on the big screen!